SUPERIORITY: a core wound of shame Finding fault in others has been easy. I did it so fast I didn’t even realise I was doing it. Instinctually I learnt this to protect my vulnerability. All those [...]
FEMALE BODY CONSENT IN SEXUAL INTIMACY (plus 4 tips to enhance her pleasure!) Intimacy for a woman begins with a heart connection. Once our hearts are open…the rest of softens. This is the [...]
Each woman, including you, has so much potential hidden inside waiting to be discovered. There is not one other woman in the world that is exactly like you which means within you is a unique [...]
Listen to this Free CAAMA Radio Interview (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association): Naomi is talking about the effects of Trauma on women’s body system & how to heal from the [...]
If I was honest, I have been emotionally dependent most of my life which created an unhealthy reliance on people I was close to. I always needed someone to nurture, acknowledge, sooth my inner [...]